Our Church History
In 1946 a group of believers, finding modernism and unbelief coming into their churches, withdrew from their denominations. The majority of these believers began to attend other churches to seek a place where the Word of God was believed and taught. During this time several families began attending Arena Bible Church in Arena, Wisconsin. Here they found the gospel clearly presented by Mr. Ray Williamson, the pastor. Since it was quite a distance to travel, several families formed a weekly Bible class that met in one of the homes.
As a result of these meetings, the group grew not only in numbers, but more importantly in grace and in knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is only natural then that the Bible class resulted in a church established for “the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
After purchasing a church building in Avoca, Wisconsin, members of the Bible class spent many days and nights making it ready for use. The church was dedicated to His service on March 13, 1949. Two hundred people attended the afternoon service in which Mr. Williamson spoke.
Mr. Oscar Hunerdosse served as the first pastor from August 1949 until August 1958. Mr. Hunerdosse also pastored the Maple Ridge Community Bible Church. On April 21, 1950, the group of believers was incorporated and became known as the Avoca Bible Church. The following became charter members:
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Drews
Mr. Norman Drews
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gottschall
Mr. & Mrs. Herold Gottschall
Mrs. Veronica Gottschall
Mr. & Mrs. John Machotka
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Nankey
Mr & Mrs. John Nankey
Mr. Frank Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Thomas
In 1958 Pastor Roger Bixler was called, and a new building was constructed under his ministry. Over the years, many godly pastors have served here, and the work has grown. In 2006 Pastor Joel Bauman and his wife, Tracie, came to minister here. An addition became necessary in 2008, and a major flood during the construction process resulted in basement remodeling as well.